
Beta-3-Blog is moving

Ines Balcik

Beta-3-Blog is moving


The Beta-3-Blog is a precious plant that we nurture and care for. When a plant grows and thrives, it is repotted. In the digital world, things naturally work differently. In plain language: Beta-3-Blog will be integrated into the Pro:Hive project! This in turn means a new environment, new functionalities, new bilingualism (German and English) and, of course, a new design. What will not change is the existing URL: The address still leads to the blog.


While schoolkids and students are enjoying their summer vacation, we're moving ahead into the new learning year with the blog move. September is definitely coming and with it a time of upheaval and change, which is the order of the day for us at Pro:Hive all year round. The blog categories have changed and it's time to shift the focus of the blog to more technical topics. Because one thing is certain: digitalization means change. At B:Tech, we are keeping our finger on the pulse and facing up to the challenges that data processing brings with it. For the benefit of people.

Let's look to the future together and actively tackle all upcoming changes. Only those who continue to develop, adapt to new circumstances and grow with them will remain relevant. In the blog, we want to show how new digital opportunities can be used. It goes without saying that we also adapt and constantly redefine our goals.

Broad perspectives

Even if some blog categories are no longer included after the relaunch, the blog's presentation remains broad. Facts are just as important as background information. That's why there will continue to be blog articles with a historical background as well as those that are a little more philosophical or linguistic in nature or offer very human insights into artificial intelligence. Because ultimately, it's always about using the technical possibilities of our digital world in a human way.

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