Energy industry map

Climate change necessitates a comprehensive transformation of the energy industry. An informative basis is needed to accompany these processes.

  • Overview

    Get an overview of the electricity mix. From which sources is energy generated?

  • History

    Trace the transition from the fossil to the renewable age. How will the electricity mix change over time?

  • Potential determination

    Find suitable areas for the various forms of energy generation.

  • Participation

    Be part of the change. Give your opinion the expressiveness it deserves.

  • Contact person

    Network with landowners, project developers and service providers.

  • Monitoring

    Get an up-to-date impression of current projects and developments that interest you.

Data that is accessible.

The energy industry faces the challenge of reconciling the growing demand for energy with environmental goals. Improved energy efficiency, reduced dependence on fossil fuels and the expansion of renewable energies represent a task for society as a whole.

Plans and concepts already exist, but to what extent are they communicated transparently and accessibly? How are they actually implemented? Gaps in communication prevent citizens from making informed decisions on energy issues, actively participating in political processes or getting in touch with plant manufacturers. Our platform could provide a transparent basis for communication. You can find an article with reference to the Rhine-Main region in our blog.

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