Tech Spurensuche Timeline to the world of data What the theft of the “Mona Lisa” has to do with data processing and other details from the history of data. Continue reading 26.09.2024 Ines Balcik
Spurensuche Language, Books, Digital Today I'm going to the Prompt Library Collected knowledge helps everyone, even artificial intelligence. Continue reading 22.08.2024 Ines Balcik
Spurensuche Language, Books, Digital Editing meets technology. Spelling isn't that important, specialized software proofreads. Is that enough? No! Good texts don't write themselves. Continue reading 30.01.2023
Language, Books, Digital Spurensuche Universal Encyclopedia All the world's knowledge gathered in one place - dream or nightmare? In the heyday of printed encyclopedias, the answer was different than in times of AI. Continue reading 12.09.2022 Ines Balcik
Spurensuche Preliminary stages of search engines The search for information is a human need. You could also call it curiosity. Continue reading 13.12.2021 Ines Balcik
Spurensuche Digital awakening of the ancient world The Romans really did leave their mark everywhere. In Germania, and now also in the exciting digitization of history. Continue reading 28.11.2021 Ines Balcik
Spurensuche When women were coding Antonia Maury and Williamina Fleming are almost forgotten names. High time to pay tribute to Human Computers and their pioneering work. Continue reading 11.11.2021 Ines Balcik
Language, Books, Digital Spurensuche Parallel Reading Books, there are books everywhere. I would love to read them all. How can you do that? Using a device dating from the 16th century. Continue reading 31.03.2021 Ines Balcik