Who plays Minecraft?
Minecraft is not just any computer game, it is the best-selling computer game. Minecraft has also long since arrived in the field of education, since three-dimensional worlds can be built in the game that can be based on the real world. It's no coincidence that Minecraft has become one of the games that go down well with kids and coaches alike. The Frankfurt Robot School is also among the educational institutions that offer Minecraft courses. Together, it's even more fun to build new worlds: Especially in times when face-to-face events are only possible to a limited extent, online parties for Minecraft under the supervision of an experienced trainer are also very popular with kids and their parents - who thus know that their offspring are in a trusting online environment.
Future visions worth seeing
That there is considerably more to Minecraft and its young players than pixelated figures and buildings.than just pixelated figures and buildings, as shown by the results of a competition organized by the Frankfurt-based Deutsches Architekturmuseum in collaboration with Youtuber TheJoCraft (Josef Heinrich Bogatzki). Part of the current city was already predetermined in the digital Minecraft environment, and the free areas could be built on. The result is impressive: Thousands of players* built on plots, the designs of the winners show thoughtful concepts for a livable future of the city, as the pictures of the hr show: This is how great Frankfurt's future looks in Minecraft.
Creativity and imagination
The contest is the best proof of how playful approaches foster creativity and imagination. This should also be borne in mind by cautious parents who fear that their child could become addicted to computer games. There is a lot of room for maneuver between excessive gaming and online consumption and moderate use of playful online elements, which parents, children and teachers can explore together. In any case, it would be desirable for virtual worlds to be included in school curricula more and better than before in the foreseeable future.
Germany's tallest skyscraper
For the time being, however, Frankfurt will continue without the Minecraft designs of the young planners. Near the Skyline Plaza, the Millennium Area will be built in Gallus from 2025, as has just been decided. Frankfurt is already the German leader in high-rise buildings over 150 meters high. As part of the new project, a new record height is also to be achieved: the new tallest skyscraper in Germany is to reach 280 meters, surpassing the previous leader, Commerzbank Tower, by about 20 meters.